Some nice aurora borealis photographed 27.2. in Akaa Kylmäkoski (and some not so nice light pollution too). I was going to photograph M1 Crab nebula with Atik 314L+ and Ha-filter, but this changed my plans. Pentax K100D, 6s, f4,5, 35 mm. ISO 400.
Revontulia 27.2. Tarkoitus oli kuvata Rapusumua M1, mutta taivaalle ilmestyneet revontulet muuttivat suunnitelmia. Mukavahan näitäkin oli kuvata.
Real Nice pictures!
VastaaPoistaReally strong auroras for middle Finland. Great shot again!
Looking forward to see your next pictures of the crab nebula. Good luck and clear skies.
Thank you, Tapani!
VastaaPoistaYes, the auroras were really great even here in Pirkanmaa. I hope, we will have a great and clear spring for all astronomy ethusiasts after long, cold and cloudy winter...